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The Barbara A. Walter Trust, also known as The Eschatology Foundation, was established to fund the perpetuation of the teaching of Eschatology. Its founding and original endowment resulted from Mrs. Walter’s estate, and the Trust has enjoyed supplemental funding from generous contributors along the way. The William W. Walter Trust was established to keep his books in print and to ensure that the Teachers Graduate Course Notes are presented regularly. “The Eschatology Foundation” consists of both Trusts, and it is the name most frequently used by donors.

Contributions from appreciative students and teachers are welcomed. Generosity is essential to the unfoldment of life, with untold benefits accruing to the giver. Also, there are many worthwhile and productive uses for contributions that are received. There is an ever-increasing interest in this Science, and the number of dedicated students and teachers is growing worldwide. With this, there is a corresponding increase in expenses to support this growth.

Your contributions help The Eschatology Foundation meet the expenses of administrative overhead, including labor, rent, office equipment, etc. In addition, there are publishing costs that continue to increase each year for print, digital and bilingual editions of Mr. Walter’s works. The Foundation also sponsors the Sessions on Teaching and bears the cost of providing free reviews of the Teachers Graduate Course Notes.

Consider donating; it will facilitate continuing Mr. Walter’s important work of keeping his books available and ensuring quality teaching throughout the field.

Your contribution may be tax deductible. The Eschatology Foundation is a 501c(3) non-profit organization. You will be provided a receipt by mail, acknowledging your donation, which may be used for tax purposes.

Please send any donations by personal check, bank check, or money order to:

Old Second National Bank Wealth Management
Attn: Jacquelyn J. Volkert, Trust Officer
37 South River Street
Aurora, IL 60506

If you would like information on including Eschatology Foundation in your will or estate plans, click here.


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Where do I begin?

Eschatology, The Walter Method, is a science, the science of life. What does it mean that this study is a science? It means that it is Truth, with provable and repeatable results. Studying consists of learning the Truth and applying it through right thinking. The Walter Method consists of books and courses that explain the science, and having a teacher who can help with your progress.

  1. Explore the website, and download the free information.
  2. Purchase and read The Christ Way and/or Five Years in Christian Science written by Mr. Walter.
  3. Contact us to talk with a teacher to explain further the Walter Method of learning Eschatology.

What are the benefits of study?

Are you experiencing issues with health, lack of money, job, problems with relationship or children? Learning how to correct these issues and experiencing a better life are the benefits you can achieve with the study of Eschatology. Studying this Science teaches you to reason and apply what is really the truth of Life. Learning how to correctly reason about issues in your life is the way to health, success and happiness, here and now.

How is the Walter Method taught?

Mr. Walter left us with a set of courses and textbooks that can be applied through self-study, or by studying with a teacher. The courses start with the basic facts of Life, and teach the student how to reason and apply. The best way to begin is to engage a competent teacher to explain and direct your efforts to understanding. There is no set period of time that the courses take, and this really is a lifetime study.

To gain a practical understanding of the Science of Life, one must go about it in the same way that one would to gain a practical understanding of music or mathematics. The first requirement is books that deal plainly and correctly with the subject. Second: persistent self-application to the study of the books. Third: Through direct application, prove by right results obtained that one has grasped the understanding of the Science.

Check out our Book Store!

We have books in English and Spanish, paper, and digital formats for download.